There is another, and I think much simpler way, of looking at this. The Bible records the names of only 24 people who had significantly longer lives than any which have been documented in modern times (beyond their 120's). These 24 people may have been the only people who God ever gave such extraordinarily long lives. The writer of Genesis may have made a point to record the length of their lives because they were in fact so unusually long. The Bible itself gives us indications that this may have been the case. For instance, the writer of Genesis makes a point to tell us that Noah's three sons who accompanied him on the ark were all born after Noah was 500 years old. (Gen. 5:32) And he tells us that Noah was 600 years old when the flood began. (Gen. 7:6) He then records an unusually long life for only one of Noah's sons, Shem. (Gen. 11:11) Thus he seems to have made a point in telling us that Noah's other two sons may have had lives of normal length. The writer of Genesis also seems to say that God Himself told Noah that He intended for men to be "mortal" with life spans limited to only about "a hundred and twenty years." (Gen. 6:3) This seems to clearly indicate that anyone who ever lived longer than that was an exception to the rule. Why would God have given 24 individuals extraordinarily long lives? We can only speculate. The number seems to have some symbolic significance in the Bible. There were 24 elders around God's throne in Revelation. (Rev. 4:4) God's people in Old Testament times were represented by the 12 tribes of Israel. In New Testament times God's people were represented by the 12 Apostles. 12 plus 12 equals 24. So, possibly God once gave 24 people extraordinarily long lives to picture the fact that He would one day give all of His people the same (i.e. eternal life).
a Christian
JoinedPosts by a Christian
Pre-Flood ages based upon different calendar?
by Inquisitor inthere is almost a whisper somewhere on the net that the reason ancient patriach's like noah, enoch, methuselah lived so long is because of a gross miscalculation.
their ages were based upon a calendar that was a lot shorter than ours, hence their years could be twice as long.
i've been looking up for reading material but could only come up with flared-nostril apologetics; fundies insisting on the literalism of the scriptures.. this reasoning about an alternate calendar is conceivably the work of christians who read the bible metaphorically/symbolically, not goat-sacrificing atheists.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
a Christian
You wrote: So please humor me and tell me what makes Afghanistan much more worse than Saudi Arabia in terms of "Islamic domination." I'm wondering what you are referring to here. Is it the government's policies? What?
Afghanistan when it was ruled by the Taliban treated its people much worse than Saudi Arabia now treats its people. Though admittedly the difference is only one of degree. But again that misses the point. The US did not overthrow the Taliban led government of Afghanistan only because it abused its people. It overthrew the Taliban led government of Afghanistan because it supported the radical Islamists who attacked the US on 9/11.
The US military is not large enough to "spread freedom and democracy" to every country on earth, even if that was the desire of the US government, which it is not. When the US government helps overthrow a foreign government it always does so to protect what it rightly or wrongly perceives to be the safety and/or the vital interests of the American people. Almost always the governments which are threatening the safety and other vital interests of the American people are governments which are also abusing their own people. Almost always whenever the US has acted to "spread freedom and democracy" doing so has been more of a byproduct of protecting its own interests than its primary purpose.
Ron Paul has stated that he is not an isolationist. He says that he too as President would use the US military to protect the safety and interests of the American people, as he sees fit to do so. The only difference is that the "neo-cons" believe it is wiser to act sooner rather than later. Ron might be willing to wait until Islamic extremists had conquered Israel and the entire Arab world, and also acquired nuclear weapons which it was about to use against the US, before taking military action to stop them. The "neo-cons" and most other Americans think waiting that long might just be too long.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
a Christian
I fail to see your point. So what if the US recruited radical Muslims to help rid Afghanistan of Soviet control? This only proves my point. The US uses its power to help people win their freedom. Sadly, however, what some of the people of the newly freed Afghanistan did with their new found freedom was to use it to then establish a new dictatorship with themselves as their country's new dictators. That the Taliban would end up oppressing the people of Afghanistan more severely than the Soviets had done previously, following the US assisted ousting of the Soviets from Afghanistan, can hardly be blamed on the US. If I help free an innocent man from prison and then that man uses his freedom as an opportunity to abuse others am I to blame? Of course not.
My point was that if the US should abandon its presence in the Middle East, and let the radical Islamists have their way, it will not be long before Israel is annihilated and all secular Arab governments are either democratically or violently replaced with Taliban-like governments. After that happens, with Israel's and other newly conquered nations' nuclear arms in their possession, according to radical Islamists' own stated ambitions, it will not be long before the entire world is one large Taliban ruled Muslim theocracy.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
a Christian
Jourles, You asked: What makes American world domination better than Islamic domination?
Maybe because America has only been involved in spreading freedom around the world, not dominating the world in some destructive way. Take a look at Afghanistan to see what Islamic domination is all about.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
a Christian
B_Deserter wrote: you're being suckered in by the lies of the Bush administration and the neocons. Our interventionism in middle eastern affairs was the reason cited by Osama Bin Laden as the reason for the 9/11 attacks. The "they hate us for our freedom" slogan is overly-simplistic and just downright wrong. Jourles wrote: So a Christian, would you mind giving us your thoughts on what OBL said and how that compares to your blanket statement of, "They hate western civilization because we are not Muslims." I would like to know which radical Islamist(s) have endorsed this feeling. It shouldn't be too difficult to find such a popular quote. Sure, OBL says that he hates the US primarily because of our presence in the Middle East. Do you really think he would issue statements clearly stating his long term goals? Do you really think he would say, "If you get out of all Arab lands and totally stop offering any support to Israel (which the US will never do) we will never bother you again"? Just because Islamic extremists seldom speak of their long term goal, total world domination, does not mean that they have no such goal. They do.
Radical Islamists are a modern phenomenon, founded in Egypt by Hassan el-Banna in 1928, and given an extreme ideology by Sayyed Qutb, a man who had spent some time in the US, and had come back convinced that the West was degenerating and that the time had come for Islam to conquer the world. Qutb published his brochures stating exactly that in the 50s and early 60s, until he was executed by the Nasserist regime in 1966 because his teachings argued against the existence of Egypt. (Radical, totalitarian Islamists demand that the existing Arab national states become Islamized, governed by religious law, not by constitutions, and certainly not by democratic institutions reflecting the will of a majority. The rulers would be those who are experts in Islamic law.) Of course, Qutb declared that the Jews were a main enemy of Islam, and should be destroyed, rightly or wrongly something the US will never allow to happen. Many radical Islamists advocating eventual world conquest have followed Qutb.
Only someone who has never listened to an Islamic extremist talk for more than a few minutes could say that if we get out of the Middle East (which we can't do due to our commitments to Israel) they will leave us alone. (Try listening to some of their nuts rant on YouTube - there are plenty of them.) The aim of radical Islamists is now and always has been to conquer the world and make it Islamic.
If all US troops were withdrawn from Saudi Arabia, and Israel defeated, with its Jewish population annihilated - and these are declared Islamist aims - the main target would still remain: world conquest. The first steps toward that goal are the toppling of the existing Arab national regimes and the destruction of Israel. Then to conquer every nation on earth, either through the political conquests won by unassimilated Muslim immigrants in western lands or, if that is not possible, through Jihad.
For God's sake, do a Google search on Islam and World domination.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
a Christian
You asked: You haven't said why Ron Paul is not a good candidate. Care to expound why? Actually, I like Ron Paul and his libertarian / noninterventionist philosophy. However, I think the noninterventionist part is unrealistic in today's world. Radical Islamists hate the USA and not just because we have a presence in the Middle East. They hate western civilization because we are not Muslims. Radical Islamists wants to conquer the world and bring every person on earth under the authority of a Taliban type government. If we do nothing to stop them, and stop Islamic nations like Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, it is just a matter of time before they fall into the hands of Islamic extremists who will use them against the USA, whether we have troops in Iraq or whether we don't. As they showed on 9/11 they are perfectly willing to kill myriads of innocents to further their agenda. I really do not believe this country has the luxury anymore to "avoid foreign entanglements." The rest of Ron Paul's program I could go with, if he took the Islamo-fascists more seriously. However, even then I doubt I would support him. Why? Because I can't imagine he would ever beat any of the top three Democrats running for President. And that would mean not just higher taxes but a whole lot more government control of our lives. I can't see Ron Paul being elected because, generally speaking, people vote for someone they like and for someone who makes them feel good, all warm and fuzzy. That's not Ron Paul. His voice is about as soothing as chalk on a blackboard. And his looks are downright scary. (Look at that photo you just posted of him.)Hillary and Rudy have much the same set of problems. They are just not likable. Mark my words. Mike Huckabee is our next president. He is as cute as a Disney character and almost everyone likes him. The media has done nothing but throw mud at him for the past two weeks and yet all that happens is his numbers continue to rise. His poll numbers are now tops nationally and also in almost every individual state now being polled. (New Hampshire is notorious for doing their own thing. Pat Buchanan, a Ron Paul type, actually won there a few years ago.) -
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
a Christian
You asked: why is he pulling in the most money(from citizens) of all the republican candidates? Because he is raising that money mostly from Democrats, Libertarians, and independents who love his "Get out of Iraq now" stance. That's why his web site, unlike that of any other Republican candidate, has a page devoted to informing his supporters how they need to change their party affiliation in order to vote for him in the Republican primaries. You asked: is it his stance on certain issues that gives him "absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?" You guessed it. His "Get out of Iraq now" stance helps him raise lots of money from Democrats, Libertarians, and independents but it also assures that he will never gain the Republican nomination. For very few Republicans agree with him. You may notice that he is the only Republican who actually gets booed at the debates.
Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
by What-A-Coincidence inestulin: elitists consider assassinating ron paul.
best-selling author and bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of u.s. government discussing what result would be if congressman was killedpaul joseph watson.
prison planet.
a Christian
You wrote: people from the highest levels of the U.S. government are considering an assassination attempt against Congressman Ron Paul because they are threatened by his burgeoning popularity. Can you explain why anyone would feel threatened by Ron Paul since he has absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?
by a Christian inmike huckabee now leads his closest rival (mitt romney) in the newest iowa poll 39% to 17%. in the latest national poll mike leads his closest rival (rudy giuliani) 22% to 18%. among the people who know mike huckabee and hillary clinton both very well, the people of arkansas, huckabee now leads clinton 48% to 42%.
a Christian
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll Tuesday, December 11, 2007 The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination can’t get much closer. Mike Huckabee attracts support from 22% of Likely Republican Primary voters nationwide and holds a statistically insignificant one-point lead over Rudy Giuliani. With 21% support, the former Mayor of New York
is followed by Mitt Romney at 14%, Fred Thompson at 12% and John McCain at 9% (see recent daily numbers). Ron Paul currently attracts 5% of Likely Republican Primary
voters nationwide.
A Mormon President?
by a Christian inmitt romney is running for president of the united states.
i see one big problem with electing a mormon as president.
doing so will give much more respectability to the mormon church.
a Christian
You wrote: For me, the more I study it, the less I believe it to be inspired of God.
After leaving the Watchtower for several years I went through that stage also. I call it "stage two." Though it may seem hard for you to believe today, someday you also may reach "stage three."